Cora Waschke

Saturday 10.03.2018, 5 pm Opening, 11.03. – 24.06.2018  exhibition

A touch of genius – Hans Kaiser und Fabian Ginsberg

First exhibition of the KAISERREIHE, curated by Cora Waschke

Speaking at the opening: Marita Stratmann | Deputy. Mayor of Soest
Cora Waschke | curator
Dr. Annette Werntze | Head of Museum Wilhelm Morgner
press release

Information about the accompanying program of the exhibition at:

Cooperation between Hans-Kaiser-Kreis e.V. and Museum Wilhelm Morgner in Soest

21.04.2018, 15 Uhr: Begleitveranstaltung zu "A touch of genius. Hans Kaiser und Fabian Ginsberg", Katalogvorstellung, Lesung, Filmpräsentation arrow-right
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